Queensryche - Frequency Unknown [Vinyl LP]

SKU:  MEG-0741157036015-A00
EAN: 0741157036015

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    Dienstag 30.01.2024 (11:00-19:00)
    Mittwoch 31.01.2024 (11:00-19:00)


Herbert-Bayer Str.4
13086 Berlin
Ansprechpartner vor Ort - Herr Achim Schulz - 0172 3808581.

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After 30+ years of music making,most bands are content to simply trudge along,putting out the same type of album again and again,trying to recapture the glory of days past.Not this band,not Queensrÿche.With every new release,Geoff Tate and company push themselves into new directions,new sounds,and dizzying new heights.The result is that Queensrÿche is just as vital and musically relevant today as they ever were.Even when they revisit older ideas,as they did in 2006 with the long awaited sequel to Operation:Mindcrime,the result was one of the most thrilling releases of their extraordinary career.Now,a new chapter is about to be written,a new album,and a new line-up that unites frontman Tate with a stellar group of new players and seasoned vets.Arguably the heaviest version of Queensrÿche ever assembled,the band not only wrote and recorded the 10 brand new songs on Frequency Unknown,but will also be hitting the road to perform the entire Operation:Mindcrime album at select venues across the nation in celebration of that album's 25th anniversary.Make no mistake about it,Queensrÿche is still a musical force to be reckoned with and their legions of fans will undoubtedly be celebrating in 2013!25 years after the Mindcrime revolution, the Rÿche returns with their 12th studio album - a new chapter in the epic saga of one of the most critically adored and commercially successful metal bands of all time!Vocal powerhouse and frontman Geoff Tate leads the HEAVIEST Rÿche ever,including long time guitarist Kelly Gray plus newly acquired bassist Rudy Sarzo(Quiet Riot)and drummer Simon Wright(AC/DC,DIO)!Guest appearances by K.K. Downing(Judas Priest),Chris Poland(Megadeth),Ty Tabor(King's X),Paul Bostaph(Slayer),Lita Ford,Brad Gillis (Night Ranger),Dave Meniketti(Y&T)and more!

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